Our aim is to construct environments that enhance the live of the people who use them, which results in satisfied clients.
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Why choose us


Built With Integrity

Urban Remodeling offers you quality craftsmanship and service in every project.


our strategy

Develop and maintain long-term relationships with all of our clients.


Outstanding service

Attention to detail refines our way to remodel and improve your home.


our aim

We work with the client from inception to completion to meet their unique needs.

What our clients say

They helped me turn my ideas into reality, I love the new modern look of my kitchen, I’m so happy with the results. Urban Remodeling is a very reliable Vero Beach Contractor.


Vero Beach, FL

My husband and I wanted a bathroom addition and master bedroom renovation, we had such an incredibly positive experience working with Urban Remodeling.


Melbourne, FL

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Opening hours

Mon to Fri: 8:00  - 5:00
Sat: 10:00 - 1:00

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